2022 Beginner Bee School Schedule

All BEGINNER classes will be Sundays, 10am – 1pm, EXCEPT the equipment build on March 26, which is a Saturday.

2022 Dates:
February 6 – Equipment needs / season overview / hive set-up options / goal-setting
March 6 – Honey bee biology / honey tasting 
March 26 (Saturday) – Equipment build day. IMPORTANT: RSVP is required!
April 10 – Varroa management / smoker fuel & lighting techniques (bring smoker to class) 
May 22 – Pests and pathogens / comb production / swarm science
June 12 – Honey plants / supering for honey production
July 10 – Making splits / honey removal
August 14 – Fall management / disease control / combining hives
September 18 – Fall management / preparing for winter
October 16 – Winter management / preparing for spring